Love keeps bragging me down
i touch you and you don't feel...
Impossible to reach... you are.
Try to stay in control
but the tears blind me
and take me away the reason
I want you!!
take me away and love me
for 5 minuts, for one night
for a moment that will last for life.
i cannot put in words what i feel..
is to deep, i'm to alone, so alone
you're on my mind... still... always!!
your voice, your face, your touch, your lips...
I close my eyes and almost feel you..
My imagination run free
i see you by my side at night, and i fall a sleep.
I dream with your kisses..
your hands on my body... i'm getting crasy!!
come into my arms...
let them tell you what i wanna say..
I'm lost in my thoughts
i'm lost in you!
All i want is a little bit of attention...
a hug.
Someone that care for me..
it's not that you're so important to me..
you just.. have all of me!
more of what i would like to give
But my heart doesn't care about what i want,
it just wants you...
I want you... one more time! this words are on my head..
Give me a moment of your life..
Never There
"I'm filling up inside like i need to open wide
and pour my heart out to you
but i'll just get denied and all i wanted
was someone to hear what i'm going through
Everytime that i need you around you're never there, you're never there
because in my life is where i need you
but you're never there, you're never there
You were supposed to see all the signs i left right in front of your face
you were supposed to e the closest thing to bring me
but you're the furthest away
And i doubt that i will ever find out if there's a way
to get out of feeling all alone
'cause lately i've been thinking maybe that no one's going to save me
i'll do it on my own..."

Estou sempre a tentar provar pra mim propria o meu valor e cada vez k caio, sinto k n valho nada... cada lagrima k xoro parece k m vou afogar! sem saida...
Nego a mim propria uma realidade da qual preciso desesperadamente de sair!
Não aguento mais.. sinto-me vazia..cansada! cansada de lutar, de esperar, de procurar um ideal k não existe.... preciso de me encontrar no meio desta confusao!
Hoje xoro porque sinto falta de alguem k nunca tive! k se calhar nunca vou ter... e porque?! Não ha logica para os sentimentos mas não me poxo deixar levar por uma ilusao.... porque eu não xoro por uma pessoa mas sim por todos os momentos k imaginei passar com ela, e por todos os beijos k n trocamos...
As desilusoes cansam-nos, tiram-nos a vontade d lutar... a minha vontade era ir ter contigo e dizer-te para olhares para mim porque preciso d ti, das tuas palavras, do teu xeiro, dos teus labios e dos teus braýos a minha volta... mas não poxo faze-lo, não vou faze-lo.
Não tenho medo de me magoar, tenho medo de perder um bocadinho de mim, medo de deixar de acreditar..
Por isso vou esperar k eventualmente venhas ter comigo...... e me des um momento da tua vida......
Porque eu preciso de ti, mas + do k ixo.. preciso k tu precises d mim, k penses em mim, k m keiras cmo eu t kero!!
Olha para mim e sente os meus labios nos teus..
Mostra-m o teu sorriso...
Just secretly i like you
i like you so much
But not today...Today i'm going to fake that everything is o.k.
and that i don't need you... i don't want you!
... i'm so fuking lying!!!
i need ti find myself again...
I'm lost somewhere in the street of my life
and i have nobody to show me the way
it's not that i need it...
i just.. don't want to be without it!
Deeply inside everybody need someone
would you let me be your someone?
All i want is to make you smile
so trully is my care...
But not yet....
Until then i'm gonna be o.k.
today, tomorow... always!!
i'm not afraid to cry,
i'm afdraid of the consequences..
because we don't feel the tears but they hurt our heart
in a way with no return... So...
i will keep my secret in a little box
because when the heart is blind,
the tears don't fall...
i'm waiting...
today, tomorow... always!!
i'm not afraid to cry,
i'm afdraid of the consequences..
because we don't feel the tears but they hurt our heart
in a way with no return... So...
i will keep my secret in a little box
because when the heart is blind,
the tears don't fall...
i'm waiting...
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