*Sou a existência de um sonho... Eu sou eu dentro de mim, e dentro de ti, quem sabe dentro de um mundo onde as borboletas nadem e estrelas do mar flutuem... *



Just secretly i like you
i like you so much
But not today...Today i'm going to fake that everything is o.k.
and that i don't need you... i don't want you!
... i'm so fuking lying!!!
i need ti find myself again...
I'm lost somewhere in the street of my life
and i have nobody to show me the way
it's not that i need it...
i just.. don't want to be without it!
Deeply inside everybody need someone
would you let me be your someone?
All i want is to make you smile
so trully is my care...
But not yet....
Until then i'm gonna be o.k.
today, tomorow... always!!
i'm not afraid to cry,
i'm afdraid of the consequences..
because we don't feel the tears but they hurt our heart
in a way with no return... So...
i will keep my secret in a little box
because when the heart is blind,
the tears don't fall...
i'm waiting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

andas a aprender umas coisitas cmg...lol.ta mt la...e tu tb!bjks